Subverted in their second attempt, where they are uninterrupted. After Soarin mends Rainbow's clipped wing and they chat for awhile the two slowly start to lean in closer to each other, before they are interrupted by the medic coming through the door and they jolt away.She takes Twi's ascension to princess as a sign she will never catch up.
Trixie, even after earning her place as Luna's apprentice, constantly compares her progress to Twilight's.He was cocky and took too many risks, thinking he was invincible, but when he fought a unicorn whose sword skills were like nothing he had seen before or since, he only survived because his mentor sacrificed himself by taking a lethal blow to the heart that was meant for Skybreaker and managed to injure the unicorn enough for Skybreaker to win. The Royal Knight Skybreaker also suffered this similar to Flash when he was a rookie.Though Flash does help his friends beat Sombra in the end he is well aware that he was overconfident and almost died because of it. Always Someone Better: Flash accomplished a lot since moving to Ponyville with Twilight, but despite his achievements and confidence he couldn't beat Sombra, even with Ruby's help, and the two of them are almost killed by the dark unicorn.All Just a Dream: Springer's Hedgehog Day experience is revealed to be an artificial dream he had while on a "Vision Quest" after some "Vision Quest Potion" spills on his head at Zecora's hut.She decides to better herself, and later becomes the apprentice of Princess Luna.
But, thanks to being saved by Flash from some crooks earlier, she opens up to him and his friends and helps them stop the group of crooks that attacked her.
Adaptational Heroism: Trixie starts the same way she did in canon, as a traveling show-mare who lied about her achievements to make herself look better and show off. Here, she makes her first appearance during the Season 8 premiere, bumping into Fire Heart in the hallway. Cozy Glow originally first appeared in " Marks for Effort", which was just short of the midpoint of Season 8. Though for the Storm King's case it is more of an Early-Bird Cameo. FLASH SENTRY MOVIE
Tempest Shadow, Grubber, and the Storm King all make an appearance in the Season 7 finale, before their debut in My Little Pony: The Movie (2017). Tragus the changeling briefly changes into a Whirling Mungtooth during the events of Season 7, whereas in canon the species didn't appear until Season 9. Queen Novo, Princess Skystar, and Seaquestria in general appear in a flashback in War for the Lost City, which takes place before the My Little Pony: The Movie (2017). Autumn Blaze and the Kirin as a whole make an appearance in War For the Lost City, which takes place three seasons before their actual appearance in the show. Pinkie actually lampshades this by stating its original appearance wasn't until Season 6, but we don't learn it is under Ponyville until Season 7. The underground gem cave makes its first appearance in season 4. The Alicorn Amulet appears in season 1 and is used by Lightning Blitz instead of Trixie. Adaptational Early Appearance: Many characters, items, and locations appear sooner then they did in canon, either as a major role or just a cameo. Spike tackles him off her in anger and attacks him, until Rarity manages to pull him off and explain that it was consensual. He finds her laying on her bed with Lightning Blitz on top of her, and thinks he is trying to force himself on her. Abuse Mistake: The opening of "Spike's Heartbreak" has Spike bursting into Rarity's bedroom, after hearing her scream and thinking she is in danger. Subverted later when Rarity starts to warm up to him after he changes is ways and moves to Ponyville, slowly starting to return his feelings and forming a friendship with him. He flirted with her and asked her out but she was disgusted with him due to his bad attitude towards her friends and his terrible fashion sense. Abhorrent Admirer: Lightning Blitz was this to Rarity when they first met.